Saturday, October 10, 2009

I think it's a sign! You don't believe in signs!

(name that movie)

I went up to my old stomping ground, Logan, today and there were a plethora of signs. Behold!

Awesome sandwiches and next door to the Hastings where I would sell my CDs so I could buy food. hee hee

No one really needs the "recycle" part anyway.

Superhero Day = pure awesomeness

This never stopped me from sledding down the hill in a laundry basket.

The student center.

Awww, yeah!

Jessie, this photo is for you. Does it still count if I didn't take it? I was driving my car! (I know that is not a valid excuse as I have taken photos whilst driving in the past.)

They are very excited about this. However, if you drive about 30 miles north, you can buy what I always heard as "better beer" up in Idaho.

1 comment:

Jes said...

Yay for socks!!

We should do a sock theme one week.