Thursday, April 30, 2009

Welcome! Welkom! Witamy! Bienvenue! Willkommen!

This is the inaugural post of the new photo blog! *throws confetti, does the Dance of Joy*

Do you know what the Dance of Joy is? Think: Balki Bartokomos and Cousin Larry. Moving on.

This site is going to be dedicated to the amateur photographers out there that would like a little focus in life. Well, maybe not life. That's taking it a little too far, I think. I digress.

Each week will have a theme. The theme will be posted on Monday night. You have until the next Monday to post. Don't worry if you didn't get it in time. We aren't sticklers for that. Just post what you have with the right labels (your name and the theme) and it will work.

If anyone wants to participate or knows anyone that would like to play, just leave a comment or email either Allyson or Jessie and we will get you added.

Now, go out and explore the world through your camera lens. You'll love it.

1 comment:

Cerra said...

HAY dy dy dy dy dy-dy-dy-dy-dy-dy HAY hay HAY hay HAY hay HAY!